css - Failed to decode downloaded font - Stack Overflow.Why does some text display with square boxes in some apps on Windows 10?

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This is an error I am getting in Chrome and unfortunately searching for it hasn't given me much results.

The font itself is appearing correctly. More specifically, this is the full warning:. I just do not understand. The font is applied correctly, but the warning is always there. Windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download to use Sans-Serif makes the font revert to the normal browser font, so that may be it, but I am not sure, and even after searching I have found nothing. There are various font files, all from the same family.

I am trying to load them all. The font files are. I am loading them from a local windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download, and there are various font-files, like Lato-Black. In the css rule you have to add the extension of the file. This example with the deepest support possible:. Sometimes this problem is caused by the font itself.

Google font provides the correct font you need but if font face is necessary i use Transfonter to generate all font format. Sometimes is the FTP client that corrupt windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download file not in this case because is on local pc.

I experienced a similar issue in Visual Studio, which was being caused by an incorrect url path to the font in question. You can also check this out for extending the mime. For me, this error was occuring when I referenced a google font using https. When I switched to http, the error went away. Depending on your mood, it may feel counterintuitive, lol.

If you ftp your files with an 'auto' method, and you get windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download error message, try windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download forcing the binary method.

I was having the same issue with font awesome v4. I was getting a warning in Chrome only. In my case it was caused with an incorrect path file, in. In my case, this was caused by creating a SVN patch file that encompassed the addition of the font files. Like so:. The solution was to upload the font files directly into the branch from my local file system. But that's only a guess. You can test for this by uploading other types of binary data like images.

If they also fail to display, then this may be your issue. In my case -- using React with Gatsby -- the issue was solved with double-checking all of my paths. Once I duplicated the files into each path this problem was gone. In my case when downloading a template the font files were just empty files.

Probably an issue with the download. Chrome gave this generic error about it. I thought at first the solution of changing from woff to font-woff solved it, but it only made Chrome ignore the fonts. My problem was occurring in browsers different than chrome. Pay attention to the coma between URL and format, this is how everything went back to normal for all the browsers. Honestly, it works without this "format" too but I decided to leave it be.

If it is on the server not in localhostthen try to upload the fonts manually, windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download sometimes the FTP client for example, FileZilla corrupts the files and it can cause the problem.

For me, I uploaded manually using Cpanel interface. My case looked similar but the font was corrupted and so impossible to decode. It was caused by configuration in maven. Adding nonFilteredFileExtension for font extensions within maven-resources-plugin helped me:.

Yesterday the same issue was caused by something on Google's side, but only on Win7 and some Win10 computers. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Failed to decode downloaded font Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 7 months ago. Active 26 days ago. Viewed k times. EDIT There are various font files, all from the same family.

Improve this question. Shashank Agrawal 23k 10 10 gold badges 77 77 silver badges bronze badges. Why the trailing slash in the URL? Are you trying to load all the files from a directory or it's actually a redirection to a single font file? Vicario Hi, thank you for your time. I edited the question to make it clearer. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.

Improve this answer. Germano Plebani Germano Plebani 3, 3 3 gold badges 25 25 silver badges 37 37 bronze badges. I edited my question to make it clearer. I am not sure if it changes anything of what you posted. Sorry for the mess and thank you for your time.

You have to use necessarily font face? I know Lato is available on google fonts. Anyhow you can try this: font-family: 'Lato'; font-style: normal; font-weight: ; src: local 'Lato Regular'local 'Lato-Regular'url '. I ended up using the google fonts option and it works well.

I accepted your answer. This question is labeled 'failed to decode downloaded font'. The answer is specific a situation, and does not actually state what the error means. Thank you so much! Changing format 'woff' to format 'font-woff' solves the problem.

Willi Mentzel Fuad Husni Fuad Husni 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. And with this, Chrome consider the woff font as unknown format and skip to the next best format probably ttf of woff2 here — Arthur. Unfortunately this answer is wrong. Windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download might be unclear what Arthur is saying, but if you change the font format name the browser will literally ignore the font, because it doesn't get registered as a font.

Try to use this solution, and you'll see the fonts be removed. I seldom use downvotes on SO, but in this case the answer actually makes readers worse off, because they might think they have solved the problem, but have only camouflaged it. Show 2 more comments. Thank you, it works. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Matteo Matteo 1, 16 16 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. I just had the same issue and solved it by changing src: url "Roboto-Medium-webfont.

Christian Rauchenwald Christian Rauchenwald 3 3 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. Venryx Venryx I was also getting same error windows phone 8.1 youtube decode error free download google fonts, when I did hard reload the issue got solved automatically! It makes your site insecure. MaulikGangani 's observation works! Giuseppe Giuseppe 12 12 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. Francisco Goldenstein Francisco Goldenstein I removed the format 'woff2' and it removed the warnings.

Ebrahim Ebrahim 1, 2 2 gold badges 24 24 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges.

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